Commissioner Štefan Füle’s plan to focus on strengthening democratic institutions and public administration in EU accession candidate and potential candidate countries was welcomed by Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs on Wednesday. In a debate following the Commission’s approval of the 2014 EU enlargement package earlier the same day, many also stressed the need to communicate the concrete and visible results of the EU enlargement process better.
The 2014 enlargement package focuses on the “third pillar”, i.e. “public administration reform and strengthening of democratic institutions”, following the rule of law and economic governance, Mr Füle told MEPs. He also underlined that “constructive and sustainable dialogue across the political spectrum” within would-be EU member states was vital and that boycotting parliaments “cannot lead to sustainable solutions of problems”.
MEPs across the board thanked Mr Füle for the work done during his five year tenure.
Excerpt regrading EU accession for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:
“The major problem of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia remains the name issue”, said rapporteur Ivo Vajgl (ALDE, SI). He regretted that negotiations with the FYROM had yet to be opened, arguing that “this is also a reason why the political trend in the country is not going in the direction we would have liked.” Reform of the judicial system, media freedom and the Parliament’s political culture are among other challenges the country faces, he added.
European Parliament News
The 2014 enlargement package focuses on the “third pillar”, i.e. “public administration reform and strengthening of democratic institutions”, following the rule of law and economic governance, Mr Füle told MEPs. He also underlined that “constructive and sustainable dialogue across the political spectrum” within would-be EU member states was vital and that boycotting parliaments “cannot lead to sustainable solutions of problems”.
MEPs across the board thanked Mr Füle for the work done during his five year tenure.
Excerpt regrading EU accession for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:
“The major problem of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia remains the name issue”, said rapporteur Ivo Vajgl (ALDE, SI). He regretted that negotiations with the FYROM had yet to be opened, arguing that “this is also a reason why the political trend in the country is not going in the direction we would have liked.” Reform of the judicial system, media freedom and the Parliament’s political culture are among other challenges the country faces, he added.
European Parliament News