An announcement issued by Tajani’s office, meanwhile, noted that the European Parliament’s standing position is that the internationally recognised name “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” is the only name the Parliament recognises for FYROM.
A video of comments made by Tajani in 2016 during a visit to FYROM’s capital Skopje, caused a furore in Greece on Thursday, prompting reactions from the Greek foreign minister and Greek MEP Dimitris Papadimoulis. Addressing a meeting in Skopje last February, Tajani had referred to FYROM as ‘Macedonia’ and told an enthusiastic audience that they were “descendants” of Alexander the Great and Philip II of Macedon.
A note by the Macedonian League:
Although the Macedonian League is satisfied that a comment was made in Greek as it pertains to his erroneous assertions in the past regarding the history of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, the Macedonian League is demanding that European President Antonio Tajani make this same comment in English so that it reaches a wider European audience.
In response to his comments on Twitter, the Macedonian League responded as follows:
Why write it in Greek? Maybe you should step up and write it in English so Skopje & all EU members can see it too. #Greece #Macedonia #FYROM
Please visit his comment on twitter here and demand the comment be made in English by copying and pasting our response to him from your Twitter handle.