Commemorative stamps
The Argentine Post released a commemorative stamp honouring Greek naval heroes Nicolás Jorge Colmaniatis and Pedro Samuel Spiro who participated in the Argentine war of independence
(December 15, 2016)
(December 15, 2016)
UN-sponsored reunification talks in Geneva
The leaders of ethnically divided Cyprus, together with Greece, Turkey and former colonial power Britain – the island’s three guarantors under its post-independence constitution – resume UN-sponsored reunification talks in Geneva. The last round hit an impasse in November 2016. The main stumbling block is the issue of land transfers to address the claims of Cypriots who fled their homes in 1974
(January 12, 2017)
(January 12, 2017)
The Imia Crisis
Imia was the object of a military crisis and subsequent dispute over sovereignty between Greece and Turkey in 1996. The Imia dispute is part of the larger Aegean dispute, which also comprises disputes over the continental shelf, the territorial waters, the air space, the Flight Information Regions (FIR) and the demilitarization of the Aegean islands. In the aftermath of the Imia crisis, the dispute was also widened, as Turkey began to lay parallel claims to a larger number of other islets in the Aegean. These islands, some of them inhabited, are regarded as indisputably Greek by Greece but as grey zones of undetermined sovereignty by Turkey
(January 31, 1996)
(January 31, 1996)
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
Former MFA of FYROM, Antonio Milososki, provoking Greece
Antonio Milososki, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FYROM provoking Greece by unfurling the red Vergina sun flag on Mount Olympus, Greece in an act that contravened the Interim Accord as it pertained to the usage of this ancient Greek symbol
(September 21, 2014)
(September 21, 2014)
VMRO-DPMNE political rally with displays on anti-Greek slogans
VMRO-DPMNE political rally held by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in front of the Parliament in Skopje where many in the crowd raised a “three-finger” irredentist hand sign, meaning the unity of the lands of the fantasy country they call "United Macedonia."
In the rally supporters also displayed the Vergina sun on a red flag and maps of a "United Macedonia" which includes territories of Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania within that unity
(May 20, 2015)
In the rally supporters also displayed the Vergina sun on a red flag and maps of a "United Macedonia" which includes territories of Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania within that unity
(May 20, 2015)
Leader of the SDSM, Zoran Zaev, discussing the failures of the FYROM
Zoran Zaev, leader of the SDSM and a leading moderate voice in the former Yugoslav republic discusses the fact that pseudo-historiography has provoked Greece and the international community in the country's bid to join the EU and NATO
(December, 27, 2016)
(December, 27, 2016)